I am thinking of introducing themes for my posts, to encourage me to blog on a regular basis. I don't think I'll be blogging every day just yet, but perhaps if I have some structure I will think "Ooh, I can blog about that today!" and be more likely to do it.
So, the themes I have come up with are:
- Mothering Mondays - posts about my general journey through motherhood, duh!
- Off-topic Tuesdays - where I can talk about anything I choose, or post random macros, videos and lolcats if stuck for ideas.
- Work Wednesdays - talking about my job, career musings and ideas/progress for my book.
- Thrifty Thursdays - offers I've found, doing things on a shoestring, eco stuff and crafty bits.
- Foto Fridays - picture post!
- Weekends are a free-for-all, or time off!
So today being Monday I will aim to post later about the motherly duties I have been performing. However, today is going to be a busy one, even though I've got the day off work. Because I love lists, here's what I intend to do today:
- Call local nurseries to have a look around for Jay's EYFS place - already narrowed down to a choice of 3.
- Tidy, vacuum and clean living room - difficult when your child is petrified of the vacuum.
- Wash up and clean kitchen work surfaces.
- Fold laundry and put away.
- Make lamb casserole for dinner - not a big deal really, I'll just chuck it all in the slow cooker in the morning.
- Do some baking - I have lots of pureed pumpkin in the freezer from last month and it needs to be used, so more pumpkin pie is in order, as is possibly some pumpkin muffins).
- Retrieve new Christmas tree (artificial) and decorations from my car. Search for old fibre-optic tree in the shed.
- Have my parents over late afternoon/early evening (bringing us some bedding they no longer need and Jay's advent calendar which they have bought and stocked for him - I will post pictures as it is awesome!).
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